Ria Lins

If you don’t connect, you don’t exist.
Thinking about, designing and creating jewelry are like meditation for me. The language of jewelry give me the opportunity to share my ideas and feelings. By making them wearable they become visible for others.
Even when I made my schoolwork-jewelry the social network in our society was my main theme. The use of different materials – for expressing the right feeling – gives me the change to reach the essence. I try to make them soft and shimmery when they move, to comfort, to nurse and to care for.
Theme words for the collection ‘CONNECTION’ are: contact, relation, coupling, comfort, combination, compound & connection. It exposes my wonder for human relationships and the adaptability to the diversity of our contemporary society.
In the cobweb of our collective memory we all feel connected by culture, faith, fear & family. When relationships are broken I would like to heal them. I repair, patch, embroider and restore to bring everything together again.
Connect and you’ll exist!